
Dragon Ball: Qi Long Zhu Da Mao Xian Bootleg Walkthrough/Review Part 1: The Adventure Begins!

 So, I want to make a walkthrough on a bootleg game I've been playing. It hasn't been documented that much on the Internet, so I might be the first true person to cover it. It's not even covered on the Bootleg Games Wiki. I know that this is an art blog, but I also want to try out something new and different  besides doing off-topic stuff every Tuesday and posting art content. Reason why I make and push out this content on this blog besides art is because I want to make new friends who have similar interests and to learn some obscure stuff. And I want people to check out my art and to support me (I'm not forcing you to). This won't be an off-topic Tuesday post, so I'm breaking that rule.

My goal is to grow. To be a big artist and voice actress. So let's get on to the game review, okay?

Dragon Ball: Qi Long Zhu Da Mao Xian or Dragon Ball Adventure (not Advanced Adventure) is a Chinese bootleg for the Famicom made by Shenzhen Nanjing Technology Co., Ltd., best known for their Pokémon Yellow on the NES/Famicom bootleg. It's based off of Dragon Ball, but not Z, the original series. This could be the second or third bootleg of a OG Dragon Ball game, one being Dragon Bowl, an arcade game which is a hack of Ninja Gaiden and the other made by Sintax which is trying to be a bootleg of Dragon Ball: Advanced Adventure.  I consider this one to be a good bootleg, being faithful to the original source. It does has its problems, especially during battles. 

  • Music can be repetitive or bad (I mean some of it is fine).
  • Some parts of Dragon Ball are missing such as Monster Carrot.
  • Battles are the worst in this game: random encounters are everywhere except Kame House, Oolong Village, Fortuneteller Baba's place, the Budokai Tenkaichi tournament, Korin's Tower, and a post game place that I won't spoil.
  • During battle, damage you do to your opponent is random and the opponent's damage to you is random. Depending on the encounter, they can deal high damage to you. If you're playing on an emulator, save state before you can attack and make sure they don't deal much damage to you. 
  • Difficulty may spike up, especially during the King Piccolo arc. I almost quit the game because of this, but I beat the game on 1/24. The final boss and the post game's boss... deals tons of damage and takes lots of hits.
  • You might need to grind for Zeni. If you don't and fight a boss, you are most likely to get a game over because you need to use the Zeni to buy health items or items that boost your stamina (?) meter.
  • There's no level up system for battling. 
  • Sometimes, the only thing you might get from winning is a health item, but there's a small chance.
That's all the complaints I have of this game and there are 0 cheats or English translations. Not even a hack to improve the game. Take the Pokémon Yellow rom, for example. There's an English translation patch that changes the music and fixes some stuff. It feels like an actual Pokémon game, but in actuality, it's still a bootleg. If someone happens to do an English patch, try changing the music, especially the title screen to the show's first opening.

Before you ask how I stumbled across this game, I found it by a YouTube user named Pink Jelly who uploads bootleg games. The video will be below. There's also a Naruto RPG, but I won't be playing that one.

Although I don't speak Chinese, I will help assist with the battle system.

Battle System

Behind the health and stamina bar to the left, is the character/name of the character you’re playing as. In this screenshot, I am playing as Son Goku. If I’m wrong let me know.

Green bar : your health - When it goes down to 0, it's game over and you are booted back to the title screen. Make sure you save before a boss.

Yellow bar (below health): your stamina (?) - when it's full, a orange ball will appear next to it. When it fills up twice, two orange balls appear. You can only have 2 orange balls max. When you pick a special attack, this will waste some of your stamina. If you don't have enough and choose the top second option, the game will tell you you can't use a special.

1st option (top left): Attack - attack the enemy. Sometimes, it may not deal a lot of damage, depending on the encounter.

2nd option (top middle): Martial Arts/special - When your stamina (?) meter fills up, you can choose 1 attack. When it fully fills up, an orange ball will appear and you can choose 2. Whenever you have enough, you can choose 3 moves, then 4.

3rd option (top right): Item - choose your item to refill health, stamina, or both.

4th option (bottom left): Run - you can run away, but sometimes it might fail and the enemy will attack you. I don't know if its a bug, but when you click this option, sometimes the enemy will attack you first then the game will tell you if you can run away or not. If you run away with damage, your health won't refill. 

5th option (bottom middle): Not sure what it is, but it's either gathering energy for your stamina or guarding and getting energy - The opponent will attack you and your stamina fills up. You don't attack the opponent.

6th option (bottom right): Info (?) - just views info about who's in battle. It's a useless option. Later on, when you battle as Yamcha, Krillin and Goku, you can't switch fighters.

When you win, there’s a small chance you will get a health item. You health refills to full after winning.

I will give out a walkthrough of the entire game, if you're planning on playing it. I won't be putting any links, but you can find the game and it's ROM on Google. I will make 2 parts: one covering up to King Piccolo's defeat and the other covering the final parts of Dragon Ball (Piccolo Jr.). 

Full Game Walkthrough (Emperor Pilaf-King Piccolo):

Emperor Pilaf Arc

The game begins with Bulma meeting Goku for the first time. There's a lot of dialogue that's in Chinese, but if you read the manga or watched the anime, you know what's going on.

After the dialogue, exit the area and go straight down, then turn right. There will be a lot of random encounters stopping you. Go up, turn right, hit the corner and go up. There should be a bridge. Go on right, then go down and turn left, and go down. You should be here by now:

Go left, down, left, down and cross the bridge. Don't go right. Cross the other bridge. Turn right and go up. Don't cross the bridge on your left. Instead, go right and down. You should be here by now.

Cross the bridge on your right, go straight up and there will be a boss ahead after meeting the Turtle. Fight the bear.

Bear Thief

After the fight, exit the area and go straight down. You meet Master Roshi. After going through dialogue, exit the Kame House area and go up, right then turn left to this village:
Again more dialogue, but you will be facing Oolong.


There's a shop guy in the village, but it's optional if you want to save your Zeni.

Afterwards, exit the area and go all the way up and go left to the desert area (above the Oolong Village). You can't go back and exit the area, you can only exit when you get to the end of the desert maze. Here's how to go through it while dealing with the random encounters.

Go all the way up, right, down (but not all the way down), right, all the way down, right, then up. Go right, up and right. You should be at the end to face Yamcha in a fight. IF not, I think I gave you bad directions 😅

Yamcha (1st fight)

Make sure you're charging your energy up and using your special moves for this fight!

After defeating Yamcha, exit the area and go to to the volcano to your right. There will be a lot of dialogue. It's just Goku meeting Chi Chi. Exit the area and go back to the Kame House. Enter the house to talk to Roshi. Then go back to the Ox King's Place (the volcano). Go through the dialogue again. 

Now go to the Pilaf Castle (it should be the first building on the right side below on the map). Pilaf's Castle is like a maze and a nightmare to go through, especially with the random encounters (the music doesn't help either). Here's how to get through:

Go all the way to the left and go straight up. Go left. Don't go all the way to the left again, go to the middle area. Go left to the middle, up and turn left. Go left, down and turn right. Go to the middle area, turn right and go up. You should see the Pilaf gang. Watch the cutscene of them summoning Shenron, only for Oolong to ruin the wish. 
(by the way, this is my current computer wallpaper)

Be prepared for a boss fight!

Pilaf Gang (1st fight)

21st Martial Arts Tournament Arc

And that ends the Emperor Pilaf arc of Dragon Ball. A cutscene will play. You meet Krillin. Afterwards, go to the overworld and go to the forest area below. It's another maze, but should be easy to figure out. You find a rock and a cutscene will play. Backtrack out of the forest and battle Krillin when you get to the end.

Krillin (1st fight)

You then return to the Kame House after the fight. Master Roshi is looking for a girl, so first, go back to the Oolong Village. There should be a lady at the end of the area. Talk to her and return to the Kame House. Roshi isn't impressed, so go back to the forest area where you battled Krillin. When you get to the end of the area (the same place where you found the rock earlier), you meet a woman named Lunch (or Launch depending on how you want to say her name). 

Go back to the Kame House, and Lunch will start sneezing and changing personalities! 

After the cutscene and dialogue, you are ready for the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament! Go to the overworld, go all the way to the right and go to the bottom and right to the first building. After dialogue, you will be facing these fighters. Make sure you have enough healing stuff:




Krillin (2nd fight)

Yamcha (2nd fight)

Jackie Chun (1st fight)

Make sure you're using your special attacks for this one!

You win the battle, but Chun wins the tournament.

Red Ribbon Army Arc

The tournament is over. Now, we transition to the Red Ribbon Army arc. Go to the overworld, and go to the village to the right of Pilaf's Castle. A cutscene will play and you will be facing General Blue.

General Blue (1st fight)

You will be in a house and meet Suno. Also, her mom's portrait doesn't match with her looks in the anime (basically, it's reused). But after the cutscene, go to the base to your right. You will be facing Red Ribbon Army members so be prepared.

Major Metallitron

Ninja Murasaki

A cutscene will play. You meet Android 8 for the first time. Continue on and face Commander Red's monster, Buyon, then finally Commander Red himself.


Commander Red

Suno is finally safe from the RRA, and you can continue on with the journey. There is a shop guy in the town, but it's optional. Go back to the Kame House for a cutscene then go to the overworld. Go all the way to the top right and enter the cave. It's a maze. As soon as you figure out the path, go the middle and you will battle the Pirate Robot.

Pirate Robot

After that, face General Blue one more time. 

General Blue (2nd fight)

A cutscene will play and Arale makes her appearance! After the cutscene, go back to the Kame House for a cutscene and go to the overworld. Go all the way to the right and go to the tower. You will meet Upa and Bora. You will be fighting a Red Ribbon Army Soldier.

Red Ribbon Army Soldier

The cutscene will play and Mercenary Tao kills Bora. Get ready to face Tao!

Mercenary Tao (1st fight)

Mercenary Tao leaves and Goku climbs the tower to meet Korin, the white cat. Korin can offer stamina items for lots of Zeni. It may be helpful, if you need it, but you need to face Tao again after some dialogue first before you buy stuff first from him.

Mercenary Tao (2nd fight)

Go to the overworld, go left and then up. You should be seeing a building. Go straight up to it and enter. 

Go through and talk to a man who is supposed to be Officer Black. Defeat him in his mech!

Officer Black

The Red Ribbon Army is finally done for!

Fortuneteller Baba Arc

After Black is destroyed, go the Kame House for a cutscene. Krillin and Yamcha will join you. Then, go to the building on the left side to Suno's village. You will be facing Baba's minions. I actually beat all of them by only using Yamcha 😂. You will be facing Fangs the Vampire in his bat form, See-Through the Invisible Man, Bandages the Mummy, and Spike the Devilman.

Fangs the Vampire (Bat)

See-Through the Invisible Man

(Ultraman, is that you? Or am I seeing the Reddit logo?)

Bandages the Mummy

Spike the Devilman

After defeating all of them, Goku faces a mysterious fighter...


...who is revealed to be Grandpa Gohan!

Now you might be thinking, where do I go next? I've been stuck too, but with Google Translate, Baba tells you to go to the Pilaf Castle, where the last Dragon Ball is found. The castle is a maze, but go the same way like you did the first time. Just don't get lost and face the random encounters too much. Face Pilaf again and get the last Dragon Ball!

Pilaf Gang (2nd fight)

Go back to the area Upa was at and a cutscene will play. You summon Shenron and revive Bora. They are finally reunited and back together.

22nd Martial Arts Tournament Arc

Head back to the Kame House for a cutscene. You are in the jungle area (probably cause of training). Get out of it while dealing with random encounters and head to the tournament. Hope you've been grinding for Zeni and saving up your health items! You will face these fighters:

Krillin (3rd fight)

Yamcha (3rd fight)

Jackie Chun (2nd fight)


Tien Shinhan (1st fight)

The battle gets interrupted by Master Shen. After he's gone, you resume the fight.

Tien Shinhan (2nd fight)

Although you win the battle, Tien wins the tournament. Suddenly, Krillin is dead. Something strange is going on...

King Piccolo Arc

After the cutscene, go down and enter the buildings below, to your right. But before that, I highly recommend battling for lots of Zeni. The difficulty has spiked and encounters are tough now. You should fight the Giran encounter (for an odd reason, Giran is one of the random encounters), but be careful of wasting too much of your health items. Also, you can't get a break from the bosses, as you have to face 3 in a row without getting a game over. Trust me, it's hard. Luckily, your health heals after winning a battle.

Go straight and face Tambourine.


Next, battle Cymbal.


Finally, defeat King Piccolo.

King Piccolo (1st fight)

(my gosh, I hate that sprite)

It's not over yet. A cutscene then plays. Piccolo summons Shenron and wishes to look young. He then destroys the dragon!

You are back at Korin's Tower with Yajarobe. Go through the dialogue, and go back to the area where Piccolo Daimao is if you're ready.

King Piccolo (2nd fight)

Piccolo Daimao has finally been destroyed, but releases an egg before his defeat. 

Go through the dialogue of Korin's Tower. Another cutscene happens after that with Mr. Popo and Kami, who Goku thought looked like King Piccolo. At first, I thought you would battle Mr. Popo, but you don't. 

And that's wraps up the King Piccolo Arc and this walkthrough. Keep an eye out for part 2, which will drop next Thursday. If there's an error I made, please let me know in the comments and I will correct it. I hope this walkthrough has been helpful, as I never made a walkthrough of a video game before. If  you like this walkthrough and review so far or this blog, consider donating to my Ko-fi, (button on the header) as that helps a lot. You can also commission me since I love to draw anime stuff, just contact me on social media first (see about me page for social media info).

Thank you for reading! 💖

Me after typing so much of this walkthrough and going through the game with lots of random encounters:



Please, if resharing my works, credit me as wimbearn or by real name Arnezia. You can also ask me for permission. If my art is found uncredited, please remind me and do tell the person to credit me (contact is in "about me" page or the "contact wimbearn" page). I draw fanart, which is original and non-official and characters from existing franchises in the fanart belong to the original copyright holder. However, original art and characters belong to me.