
New Media and Drawing #4 (Advanced Drawing Class Assignment)

 For context, see my posts New Media #1 and New Media #2/Drawing #1


2 new drawings I completed this week for my advanced drawing class. I am halfway through the quarter! I only have one more New Media assignment to go and 4 more drawing assignments left (I believe there's a total of 8).

For this New Media drawing, I used watercolor pencils. I have previously used it before (if you've seen a post on this blog or on my Instagram/DeviantArt/Tumblr/Twitter) so I am very familiar with using them. I've gotten much more experimental. I didn't bring my giant drawing pad to class so I borrowed one of my professor's paper that was already sitting on my desk (it's actually for the beginner drawing students for an assignment they're doing). However, she forgot to give me Bristol paper but this drawing still turned out nice on regular paper.

So originally, this was gonna use some yellow colors (I was gonna draw a sunshine type female character; I was thinking of Little Miss Sunshine) and I told my brain to not draw another water goddess like Drawing #3. But I ended up doing it again. I guess I like drawing water goddesses now 😂. The ears reminded me of the Pokémon Vaporeon. Like Drawing #3, I used a blue palette with some yellow thrown in.

Drawing #4 is a redraw of an old original drawing I did in 2021. And it's an improvement!

Original drawing from 2021.

I made her eyes much smaller this time to match my current art style and made them crossed eyed. In my sketch, I was gonna have her look at the viewer but ended up looking somewhere else. This drawing is very manga like; when I went to a art museum in my state and showed one of my characters from my original comic to someone working there, they said it reminded them of Akira Toriyama and I said, "yep!" (wish I can show my character to ya'll but I'm putting it on hold until I can get my comic published!).

You know, I really wish I didn't cut off the top part 😣. I was telling my professor last week, "should I start over?" even though I went far. But I said screw it. If I had bigger paper, then I would show more of the leaves in her hair.

For both drawings, I wish I considered more negative space. I tend to draw my characters centered (I mostly do this when sketching in Procreate or in my sketchbook) and after hearing my professor's feedback in class, I was like "yeah...". She likes the way I draw my characters, but I need to show more negative space in both. Hopefully for Drawing #5, I hope to improve on that. 

Back then, I had a hard time accepting constructive criticism on my art, especially online. Sure, it feels like someone is stabbing you in the heart (that's what I feel when I get constructive criticism), but as I'm reading the feedback from my professors, I'm realizing constructive criticism is actually a good thing. It helps you improve as an artist or writer. I sometimes look at my art and critique it myself.

When I took my first voice over class last year with VA Chuck Huber (voice of Android 17), I was anxious as heck. But near the end of the class, I accepted the feedback from him and some of my voiceover friends. I haven't done voice over in a while (I've been mostly posting old voice over practice), but I'm slowly getting back into it. I'm slowly learning.

And although I hate hearing about the topic of AI art (so sorry for bringing this up), the only thing I can say is.... just grab a piece of paper and a pencil and draw. That's it. We don't need robots doing our work. I've been seeing it on my socials (especially DeviantArt) and it's been bothering me. Not even Redbubble is safe (I recently discovered AI art on that site last night). And Google isn't safe from it either if you're searching for, let's say, "80s anime art style" unless you use advanced search or filter by date or year.


Well, that's it. Take care.

Donations and art commissions at:


Interesting videos:

(timestamps 0:24-17:51, 23:51-27:20, and 1:05:07-1:07:15 interested me the most. I haven't watched all of the 90s Sailor Moon anime except for the 1st episode in high school anime club and some clips, but I read all of the Sailor Moon manga when I was in High School)

A legend.



Please, if resharing my works, credit me as wimbearn or by real name Arnezia. You can also ask me for permission. If my art is found uncredited, please remind me and do tell the person to credit me (contact is in "about me" page or the "contact wimbearn" page). I draw fanart, which is original and non-official and characters from existing franchises in the fanart belong to the original copyright holder. However, original art and characters belong to me.