
New drawings for my art class: New Media #2 & Drawing #1

If you haven’t seen New Media #1 yet, do check it out for context.


This week, I bring you some new original art. I feel like people won’t care about it since it’s original art, but I put some love into these drawings. I don’t understand why fanart gets more attention; maybe because of how recognizable the characters are (like Mickey Mouse); I made a post last year about Original Art vs. Fanart.

For New Media #2, I worked with dry pastels in class. It was messy and got all over my pants and shirt! Also, dry pastels are fragile and if they hit the floor, they shatter/break.

I didn’t create one. I made two dry pastel drawings!

Finally, for my first drawing assignment (at-home) for my art class, I made something up in my head. A student in the class said that they should be named Gary and Sabrina. My professor said that the duo should have a tv show or comic.

I used artist ink pens and color pencils for the color. I tried to get good lighting for the photo (I took these photos last night). But, oh well. If I get enough time, I’ll get better clear photos of my drawing. For now, these photos will do as I submitted them after taking these photos (I included closeups).

Here's my course direction for this advanced drawing class that I typed up (it was a required assignment); this original drawing (plus the rest after this one) follows that paper:

For this class, what I want to pursue this quarter is to make sure my drawings have that comic book look. I know I haven’t explained my introduction in class that much and I didn’t want to make it go on for long, but when I drew my first original comic, I did it digitally on my iPad and I was aiming for that Japanese manga cartoony look as I love reading manga. If you aren’t familiar with manga, it’s a Japanese comic which reads from right to left. The only time I’ve done a comic traditionally was for my high school art class. For my materials, of course, I’m gonna be using art ink pens. I could include color if I like; I might use watercolor pencils since I love using that or regular color pencils.

I mostly do human character designs and for my characters, I do some hatching techniques on a character to show that there is a shadow under their neck or just for details in closeups. For my drawings, I will incorporate some hatching techniques to give my drawings life and depth. I think that’s all I can think of for this paper. My entire goal for this quarter is to make sure my drawings show that black and white comic/manga look (color optional) and just to have fun and get all experimental with it. I also want to work hard on backgrounds as I am still practicing.”

Let me know what you think of these drawings that I did for my art class! Take care ;).



Please, if resharing my works, credit me as wimbearn or by real name Arnezia. You can also ask me for permission. If my art is found uncredited, please remind me and do tell the person to credit me (contact is in "about me" page or the "contact wimbearn" page). I draw fanart, which is original and non-official and characters from existing franchises in the fanart belong to the original copyright holder. However, original art and characters belong to me.