
New Media #5 and Drawing #6 (Advanced Drawing Class Assignment)

 For context, see my posts New Media #1 and New Media #2/Drawing #1


This New Media drawing is my final one. I haven't painted in a while, so using gouache in class was very satisfying.


And here's the next drawing. Only two more to go.

This one, I was afraid of wasting ink, so this is the best I could do! I first did a quick sketch in my sketchbook and made a master copy on this big piece of paper. I used white acrylic paint around the people standing at the beach.



Please, if resharing my works, credit me as wimbearn or by real name Arnezia. You can also ask me for permission. If my art is found uncredited, please remind me and do tell the person to credit me (contact is in "about me" page or the "contact wimbearn" page). I draw fanart, which is original and non-official and characters from existing franchises in the fanart belong to the original copyright holder. However, original art and characters belong to me.