
Drawing #2 (Advanced Drawing College Art Class Assignment)

 If you want context, see New Media #1 and New Media #2/Drawing 1.


Well, this original drawing took a different direction than I imagined. 

I was picturing a space pirate woman with a black space background behind her (I was thinking of the anime the Slayers (I have watched some episodes of that anime but it's been a while and I'm planning on getting back into it) and maybe Outlaw Star). 

But when I worked on this drawing, it turned into a western theme or something. Speaking of having a black space background, coloring most of the background black would take up a lot of ink on a giant piece of paper (I'm glad I have extra ink pens as backup)! Maybe I might do it as a non art assignment instead, I don't know.

I was experimenting with different patterns as well. I got a little creative and very experimental and my professor liked my drawing in-person; an improvement over the first drawing from last time. This is the best I can do with it before it's due on Friday. I had to take care of some Anthropology (jeez, so much reading) assignments online first and finished this one as quickly as I could although I still have enough time. I just like doing my work early; my anxiety is just like, "do the work early before the due date!" and "rush!", lol. Let me know what you think! Take care.

Also, I want to note, on most of my drawings, usually I would put my online username/artist nickname "wimbearn", but for this one (and some of my old drawings if you dig through my DeviantArt) I'm using my real name as my signature (also seen in Drawing #1). I'm using my real name because I'm in college and I find it weird using my artist nickname, I don't know. I use my artist nickname for just posting fanart online and stuff. I used to sign as "AW" but I was sticking with wimbearn since I'm more used to it. :)



Please, if resharing my works, credit me as wimbearn or by real name Arnezia. You can also ask me for permission. If my art is found uncredited, please remind me and do tell the person to credit me (contact is in "about me" page or the "contact wimbearn" page). I draw fanart, which is original and non-official and characters from existing franchises in the fanart belong to the original copyright holder. However, original art and characters belong to me.