
Pokémon Scarlet Quick Thoughts. [Spoilers]

Note: This is from my main Tumblr account, except for the spoiler section.

Finally beat Pokémon Scarlet today after getting behind due to college and stuff. The story and final battle was amazing! So far, my favorite story in the mainline Pokémon games.

Although there are issues such as lagging (which will later get patched out), I still enjoyed this game. The Elite 4 and champion wasn’t even that hard… I was expecting them to heal their Pokémon if their mon was low on health… but nope. But the final final battle which I won’t spoil gave me a challenge… my Gardevoir almost fainted!

Now, I gotta hunt down the 4 legendaries in this game. Hopefully, when I get to battle them that my team doesn’t accidentally faint them due to being overleveled (my team is in the 80s). I think you could catch them early in the game, which I didn’t know you could.



The final battle with Sada was amazing and I enjoyed the music. Professor Sada being an AI caught me off guard and gave me a bit of chills.

I don't know if I will do the post game where I rematch the gym leaders, which is required to unlock 6-star raids.



Please, if resharing my works, credit me as wimbearn or by real name Arnezia. You can also ask me for permission. If my art is found uncredited, please remind me and do tell the person to credit me (contact is in "about me" page or the "contact wimbearn" page). I draw fanart, which is original and non-official and characters from existing franchises in the fanart belong to the original copyright holder. However, original art and characters belong to me.