Hello! First off, happy Friday. I hope all is well with you.
Today, in this blog post, I will be looking at weird online games. Maybe this can become a series?
I found out about this website a couple of weeks ago called yad.com. And looking at their site, you can tell that some of the games are gonna be bad. You can also see trending franchises on the site: Squid Game, Poppy Playtime, Among Us, etc. I'm not into these franchises, but this always happens every time there is a popular franchise: they turn it into a game.
I also know that there are other sites similar to Yad. But if you have a specific game or website you want me to look at, let me know in the comments. I had played a couple of games on this site and I have seen some games that are the exact same thing as another game, but with a different skin.
So you know how in those mobile game ads, the ad doesn't match up with the actual game itself? Some of the games seen in this website may look similar to some of the ads. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check this out:
So, I will be checking out a couple of games on the yad.com website. Some of the games aren't even on the yad.com website but from other websites.
Let's get started! Oh, and expect a lot of ads on the site. Even using an adblocker won't let you play any of the games. So get ready for me to suffer through.
And also, every time you launch a game, this woman says: "Yad.com. Play the most popular games online!". Most popular games? You sure? I always mock/repeat her every time I play a game.
Game #1: Hippo Valentine's Café
So before I hit the "Click to play now" button, let's judge the thumbnail. The hippo looks like a character out of Peppa Pig. Will said hippo be in the game?
And as I click the button, I get an ad. Ad counter: 1.
Huh, so this game doesn't come from the yad.com website, but from another website called yiv.com.
What even is that title screen? Remember what I said earlier about the hippo character looking like a Peppa Pig character? Yeah, all of them look like one. All of them have shading except for the hippo holding the game's logo.
Ad counter: 2. Right as I hit the play button.
Right off the bat, I'm seeing two locations that need unlocking with an ad. Expect to see something like this in the other games as the other games either need an ad to unlock something, to upgrade something when you don't have enough games, or for a powerup. I'm gonna click on the giraffe on the far left.
Ad counter: 3. Seriously, I just started and already, three ads every time I click a button.
Oh... it's one of those games, huh? Next game.
Game #2: Minecraft Online
I smell... clickbait. I don't play Minecraft that much. I used to on the Switch but an update took away the Mario skin... which was free in the game! >:(. Judging by the percent at the bottom, this probably won't be a good game.
Ad counter: 4.
Oh no, it's Yiv again. I haven't found a single yad.com game for this list.
Man, I wish I can get a screenshot of the game, but pressing the escape key takes me to the pause menu and there is no way I can get my mouse out of the game. Even pressing the Windows key does the same thing. Okay. Figured it out: I decided to press the Windows key + shift + S to take the screenshot.
Let me just walk around here.
This is probably the worst version of a Minecraft bootleg I have played. No animals, no enemies... it's so bland without the music.
Aaand... I fell through the map. Next game.
Game #3: Love Shopping Rush
Ad counter: 5.
Finally found a yad.com game to play.
These are gonna be common in most yad games, but there is a spinner (which is rigged sometimes as you don't get a skin depending on the game), the levels, spending coins on levels, and a login in bonus. Some games might make you open three chests and you have an option to watch an ad if you want to open more. Here's the catch though: there is a special bonus (ex: 1000 diamonds or a skin) and it's always
the last chest you open. What's the point of it when you can get a lot in the game? And when you complete a level, they ask you to watch an ad if you want to double or triple a bonus. Even if you don't, you still get an ad sometimes.
This game reminds me of another game I played on the site... it might look a bit familiar? Maybe not.
Ad counter: 6.
There is some awful stock music playing in the background that sounds unfitting. So, in this game you have to walk around, collect coins to spend them on clothes. Why does every yad game feature a woman that needs to look nice or be unhealthy (oh, the unhealthy part, I will get to that later)? I just don't like it. Also, I forgot to ad on, sometimes the games that look similar on this site are also on the App Store/Android.
If you fail the level without looking nice, your character just gets frustrated, falls, and the animation loops. There is also sad music playing and that sad music can be heard in a couple of other yad games.
Ad counter: 7.
I can't even see how much coins I need to spend because of the three boxes coving up the price. Pretty sure every item is 500 coins. But if you get enough and spend the coins, a boy follows you. A message above says "refreshing comfort!". What...?
You know, the way the boys follow your character kinds creeps me out a bit... just why?
When you win the game, the boy does the Gangnam Style. I'm actually not joking. Really? And this is 2022, no one cares about it anymore. A lot of the yad games have a character just doing a stock dance or a popular dance.
Oh boy, imagine accidentally hitting that button. Yad is just making you watch an ad. If you do click the button, you have to wait 5 seconds (or more) in order to claim your reward and closing out the ad while the time runs down, you won't claim it. I'm not even gonna click on the button and waste time just for double the amount of coins. For some games, the coins are useless because of the game having no store option.
Ad counter: 8. As I said earlier, even if you don't claim the triple reward amount, you still get an ad.
Next game!
Game #4: Streamer Rush
Another "rush" game, huh? Yes, there are a lot of these games on Yad.
Ad counter: 9. Why did I get an ad on gas prices?
Uh... game?
The game won't load for me.
Game #5: Giant Rush: Imposter
What is this thumbnail? This looks like an epic anime fight between the Among Us crewmate/impostor and a giant stick figure.
Also, when I clicked on the next game, I started to hear music. Did the Streamer Rush game load or is the music coming from this game? I don't know.
Ad counter: 10.
This title screen is kinda bland. Looks like I made this in Photoshop in a few seconds.
This is also not a yad game but it comes from another website called bestgames.com.
Ad counter: 11.

Okay, but... before I begin, can we talk about this ad? All this ad is doing is trying to lure kids in who like, for example, Minecraft or FNAF. They think they might get the real game when they get a bootleg.
Let me just click on the ad and I hope it isn't a virus.
Look at this. Just look at this. This seems all clickbaity.
Anyways, back to the game.
So there are 20 levels. Let's start on the first.
Ad counter: 12.
This seems like a similar game... except it didn't have Among Us in it, it was a normal stick guy. This is just a reskin of another giant game called Giant Rush. And another called Giant Rush Online. Except in GRO and GR, when you get to the end boss, you have to mash the screen and launch your opponent to see what bonus you get. Here, you don't and watch the crewmate fight without button mashing. This is a bit cursed seeing the crewmate with hands connected to his body instead of being separated. On the Giant Rush Online game, they share the same thumbnail, except the Among Us one has the crewmate instead of the yellow stick guy.
Giant Rush is also made by bestgames.com. That game has different music. Giant Rush Online is made by yad. Yep, like I said, be prepared for the reskins!
Here's some comparisons.
GR: Imposter:
Title Screen:
Giant Rush:
Giant Rush:
GR: Imposter:
GRO doesn't have one since it's endless.
GR: Imposter
Giant Rush:

I had to suffer through a lot of ads for this. I won't put them on the ad counter though. But yad's Giant Rush has more detail than the other two. I guess yad wins this comparison.
I will look at one more game. And it won't be pretty.
Game #6: Fat 2 Fit 3D
Why... just why yad.
Ad counter: 13.
Like I said earlier, there is a trend with a lot of the yad games and the wheel, login bonus, etc. Right off the bat, they hit me with a login reward. But looking at day 7, you can see a limited time gift. It's also a trend for the yad games to feature this, but it's not really a limited time gift; you can actually get it easily and there is no timer. Some of the items might force you to watch an ad to unlock it.
Even during gameplay, sometimes they will ask for a trial and after that they may ask you if you want to unlock the item or ask you to watch an ad for a powerup startup. It can get annoying unless you actually unlock all of the items.
Your goal of this game is to be thin. Yeah, that's really it. I have seen mobile game ads and games on this site much worse where when you collect a food item, your butt gets big... let's not talk about that.
I like how the "thinner start" button is at the center bottom, to make you think it is actually the start button when in actuality, it's an ad and the game makes you start off thin.
Ad counter: 14. Oh, and speaking of the other games being much worse than this... look at this ad. It's the same woman on the thumbnail (except for the third image), just she's in a different position.
Wow... are there really more than one of these games? What is wrong with these people making games like this. I hate it. Also, Lagged is another site similar to yad.
So, all you do is avoid the burgers and collect the cucumbers. When you get to the end, you mash the button and make it to the end. Wait, isn't that the same button as the Giant Rush Online one? It is. Yad do be reusing assets, huh.
My thoughts on the site
Sure, some of the games are good for when you're bored, but it's best to stay away from this site as well as others similar to this as it is filled with lots of ads and using an adblocker won't let you play the games. I want to add on, sometimes when you go further on in the "levels", they sometimes repeat the same thing.
Some games made me say, "why?". A lot of these have bland music and yad is just making money when people visit their site as people watch ads for triple the reward or upgrades, plus, the games are easy.
Overall, stay away from this site unless you are bored and want to suffer through ads. Video ads are much worse than this.
Anyways, what are your thoughts? Let me know if you want me to make a part two or just want me to look at something to review.
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