Being Prepared! (plus other ramblings)
It's been a while since I've last posted on this blog.
Hello, cool cats (if you don't mind me calling you that)!
Man, I am so excited for next Saturday because for the first time ever, I will be selling & signing copies of SaGia Volume 1... in-person! I've already posted on my socials and on the official SaGia website and blog about it, but I will be sharing the above poster here if anyone lives in Washington state and is interested. After the event, I might make a post of how it went. I'm nervous as heck... drawing a SaGia character and signing on the inside front cover in front of people... I already tested out my sharpies and they are still holding up well.
And also, I've made 62 doodles on pieces of paper from 3/1-3/6 that has my Linktree and Ko-fi on the back that I will be giving away to people (I don't have a business card yet, so I'm going low-budget 😂). Making these doodles using ink was fun. I've done a couple of Dragon Ball and other anime ones of course, but I decided to do some realistic characters (like Star Trek) and some cartoons of my childhood. If people happen to like these, I might do this in the future when people place orders for a physical copy of SaGia Volume 1 and beyond.
Oh, by the way, I was previously rejected by Olympic Cards & Comics last year when I wanted to get my books in the place. After feeling that rejection, I was sad and took a pause working on Chapter 9. The invite to the Spring Art Market was unexpected! It made me happy seeing that invite because I finally get a chance to sell my books in-person.
Saturday 3/8, I will be bringing over six copies of SaGia Volume 1 to Mighty Moose Comics in Bellevue since the owner gave me good news over the phone last Friday saying they were all sold out and I'm going to be paid. I literally said in a Ko-fi post on the 26th that I was worried that they weren't selling well since the owner hadn't called me. I guess God really has my back. I also said in that post I'm never giving up. And I'm still not giving up! Like my mom says, "think of the positive".
Finally, SaGia Volume 2 is almost finished! Currently working on chapter 12 and my estimated date that I'll finish on is 3/17-3/25. Chapter 12 is the longest chapter of SaGia to date since it's 30 something pages. If I happen to finish that chapter, I will immediately start on the last chapter. I also finished a Volume 2 teaser trailer yesterday and I have plans on posting that later this month.
As for other ramblings...
I'm late to the party, but I saw the teaser trailer for Shrek 5 on a Wednesday night. I didn't even know it was out because I'm on break from social media for of my mental health, but, I saw a screenshot, and thought it was fanart. Nope. It's a real thing.
I was surprised to see the updated looks of Shrek, Donkey, Fiona, and the others. And also, we got Shrek's daughter voiced by Zendaya! Pinocchio however, looks... off. I overreacted seeing that trailer comparing the looks of the characters to the art style of Illumination movies (which is funny, because Universal co-owns Illumination and owns DreamWorks). And I'm not the only one... other people were complaining about the updated art style from what I read. Even Universal Studios Donkey made fun of it saying "Donkey looks homeless".
But, it makes sense to change the look of the characters because we haven't had another Shrek movie in years. I guess people wanted a Shrek 5 because of the memes going around. From what I've also read, the studio that worked on Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (that movie is really good and I love the animation in that!) is working on this movie. Hopefully, I'm correct. I'm excited to see this movie next year. I hate how everyone online is still negative talking about the art style, but, I'm not complaining anymore like I did on Wednesday. For people out there who are binging the previous Shrek movies, it's gonna be jarring binging the four movies and going up to Shrek 5 because of the updated look of the characters. Just saying.
Enough Shrek talk... I want to talk a little bit of Dragon Ball Daima since it ended on the 28th. A little bit of spoilers, though. It was okay in the first half, but it gets better in the second half. As soon as Goku transforms during the final fight, I said, "yeah, this is GT 2.0" and even the producer confirmed it was a GT reboot. Before Daima even came out, I had plans of watching Dragon Ball GT but I still haven't yet. I need a break from watching old anime because of my comic. The beginning half of Daima did give me some OG Dragon Ball vibes, with Goku's power pole returning, but I think they dropped that power pole later on and replaced it with the Saiyan transformations. I wish it had more original Dragon Ball vibes and references. I understand, the first Dragon Ball series isn't as popular like Z and this story is based more on the Buu arc.
If they did something like a "Dragon Ball Kai" (a Dragon Ball fan actually did that!) by taking episodes of OG Dragon Ball and removing the filler and making it more faithful to the manga, that would be amazing. Or, remake original Dragon Ball for the manga's anniversary. Or at least, reunite the original cast together, like bring back Launch! Speaking of Launch, missed opportunity to add her in Sparking! Zero when she's a playable fighter in Dragon Ball Legends and Dokkan Battle, but sadly, both are mobile games. Dragon Ball: The Breakers and Ultimate Butoden doesn't really count since for the former, it's not a fighter, but she's playable in that game and for the latter, it's an unlockable outfit for Android 18 if you S rank a "What-If?" mission (which I did after so many tries), but it is the closest thing to having Launch playable in a fighting game, minus her guns.
Overall, I still recommend Daima, if you're a Dragon Ball fan like I am. It's sad that we lost Toriyama last year and I wonder what the future of the franchise will be like without him. Will it drop in quality? If we ever get a "Dragon Ball Super 2 anime", will it lose that charm? At least the manga is going on, however, I don't read it. Thank you Toriyama-sensei for this amazing franchise.
Boy, I have more things to say, hah hah. This post was supposed to be short but I just have a lot more! On Pokémon Day, I didn't really watch the Pokémon Direct. I'm tired of waking up in the morning, watch a direct or new trailer, and then feel disappointed with the new stuff. I used to wake up early in the morning and catch a Nintendo Direct just to see the next Smash Bros. fighter and I did it with the Sparking! Zero fighter reveals to see if Launch made it in, but not anymore. I did look at what was new on the Pokémon website and of course, it's about the new Legends A-Z game. I didn't see the trailer for it, but judging by the screenshots on the website that I've seen, it looks impressive! But as they say, "never judge a book by it's cover". In other words, "never judge a screenshot or trailer by it's cover".
When Scarlet & Violet were first revealed, I was impressed by the updated models of the Pokémon. However, when the game released, it suffered from glitches and bugs. Every time a Pokémon game comes out, I always see people complain about it. Playing through my copy of Scarlet, I started to lose a bit of interest in future mainline Pokémon games because of the issues present in that game such as lag. I still go on the game only to do the events, however, I haven't finished DLC part 2 since it came out. I think the double battles turned me away since I'm not a fan of double battles and the double battles reminded me of competitive Pokémon, which I'm not into.
For the Pokémon Direct that happened last week, I was hoping they would do a "classic collection" where they re-release Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, etc. but nope. What I read and seen was actually called a leak and it came from some website that's known for their clickbait. This is a reason I don't read gaming journalism or sites like ComicBook or Game Rant anymore. I miss the good days of reading from a Game Informer magazine from GameStop. Or if you're older than I am, Nintendo Power.
Well, I don't want this post dragging on for so long, so I'm gonna end it here. Thanks for reading! ;)
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