Dr. Slump Tamagotchi Instructions!
Last updated: 9/17/2024
Dr. Slump Arale-Chan Tamagotchi Instructions
Unofficial instructions by wimbearn
Packaging images aren't mine. [Source]
Table of Contents
00. Controls/Guide
01. Startup
02. Pick your character! (Egg Icon)
03. Smiley Face Icon
04. Bottle with an A Icon
05. Sparke Icon
06. Hearts in Bubble Icon
07. Weapon/Bullhorn (?) Icon
08. Lollipop/Sucker Icon
09. Call Icon
10. 100% Compatibility Rating!
11. Others & About this Tamagotchi
12. Would I recommend?
I would use CTRL + F and type in the number to get to a chapter faster. You can print out these instructions if you like, but just note, I may update these instructions if I have to.
00. Controls/Guide
[Images source] - I got this Tamagotchi from them!
A - select an icon, move time/year/month/day up one, stop heart in heart minigame, select choice, skip animation
B - choose, stop heart in heart minigame, steal sparkles from Gatchan in sparkle minigame, skip animation, choose time/month/day/year when changing, see time/date/year while on the main screen
C - cancel, un-choose icon, cancel game/choosing character, cancel setting up clock, switch between your character and Gatchan
Antenna Buttons - only for the first, second, and fourth icons, and when your character is ready to leave you. When the Japanese letters show up and you hear the music, press one of the two to activate!
A&C (in order: press C first, then A) - Change time or date (press B first, then A&C, select the first or second options), mute/turn on sound.
Pause/"Turn Off" - Turns off the whole unit. Also pauses Tama and time. To turn back on, press the button. Just know that you will have to set the time again.
Reset - Resets the whole unit.
Battery Cover - where to put your battery at. A CR2032 battery is required.
01. Startup
Batteries needed: 1 CR2032 Battery.
If the device doesn't power on after putting in the battery, press the reset button (on the back of the Tama). Once it powers on, you will see this screen:
Enter your birthday here.
Then at the next screen, enter your blood type. Pick "?" if you don't know.
Then, enter if you are a boy (top) or a girl (down).
At the next screen, enter the current year, today's date, and finally the time. After that, you will see Gatchan flying on the screen.
02. Pick your character! (Egg Icon)
Select the egg icon by pressing the A button one time and then press the B button. Enter your birthday, blood type, and your gender. You will see Gatchan on screen. Press and hold one (you don't have to hold both) of the antennae buttons until you see the screen flash to negative and hear music. A rice cooker appears on screen. You can press the A or B buttons to skip the animation.
There's a chance you will get one of these 3 screens:
-A character will appear. You will hear happy music.
-Gatchan will eat the rice cooker, causing you to start over the process. You will hear fail music.
-Dr. Mashirito (?) will appear. You will hear fail music and you will have to start over the process.
If you get a character that you want, you can select the top option asking you if they like to hang with you. Once you do, they will stay until you reach a 100% compatibility rating. If not, select the bottom option.
If a character has somewhere around 20%-30% compatibility or below, you will hear fail music meaning they will take long to reach 100%. If it's higher than that (around 50%-95%), you will hear the success music.
However, if you have a character currently, and are replacing them, the device will beep loudly and they will say "byecha!" (I hope I am right; I used Google Translate there).
03. Smiley Face Icon
I am not sure what this is, but based on the translation on the back of the packaging, it is a daily fortune thing. This icon could be the sun from the anime.
-What place you're in (?).
On the fourth screen, if you appear higher place such a ninth, then you will hear fail music. If lower place, you will hear success music.
I'm also thinking this can't be a fortune thing because when I did it again, I ended up in 4th place. I guess it depends on how well you've been taking care of your friend?
04. Bottle with an A Icon
Select this icon by pressing the A button three times then press B. It shows results of how your character is doing (love, power, compatibility percentage). This icon could be Arale’s drink when she’s low on oil/energy.
Every 2 hours or so, the heart and energy icons go down (except when the screen is at night), but the percentage increases sometimes (by 5%; 10% if your character’s percentage is at 20%-35% until it reaches 95%; it goes up by 1%). I'm not sure since I haven't tested it out yet, but I think if you neglect your character for too long, the percentage goes down?
05. Sparkle Icon
Select this icon by pressing A four times then press B. You will hear the music and see the animation of the poop coming from both sides as seen in the fortune telling game.
Press and hold the antenna buttons and you will hear music.
There's a chance of one of 2 things:
-Your character will get the sparkles and your character's love meter goes up by one.
-Gatchan will get the sparkles; doesn't increase your character's love meter.
If Gatchan gets the sparkles, press the B button quickly to take those sparkles away from him! If successful, he will get mad and your love meter goes up by one. If you take too long, he will win.
06. Hearts in Bubble Icon
Press the A button five times and select this icon by pressing the B button.
You will see the same screen as the previous game. Then your character goes to the left side of the screen.
Your goal is to match the three hearts in the bubble. A source said it's tricky, when really it isn't.
For example, in this photo, the hearts are in order: black, white, white.
For the first heart, make sure the heart turns white and press the A or B button. The heart will land on black. For the other two hearts, make sure both turn black and press either button. Both will turn white. If successful, your character's power meter goes up by one and you will hear the success music. If not, you will hear the fail music and your character will get mad at you.
07. Weapon/Bullhorn (?) Icon
Select this icon only if your character calls on you (you will hear music that sounds like “tik-tok-tik-tok!”). If you select it and you don't see the call icon flash, then it will play the "angry/mad" animation.
To pick this icon, press the A button six times. Then press B.
If your character calls on you and appears like a swirling dot, pick this icon and choose the top option (deca beam).
If your character shows a closeup of his/her face, you would pick the second option (chibi beam).
Keep trying until your character is back to normal! You will hear the success music.
08. Lollipop/Sucker Icon
Just like the previous icon, only select it if your character calls on you (same music as the previous icon). To select this icon, press the A button seven times. Then press B. If you press A again, then it won't flash on this icon anymore and will reset back to the egg icon if you were to press A again.
(note: I don't have Arale in this image anymore because she never asked for a sucker and this photo was taken after I reached 100% with her)
If the screen looks like this, you would pick this icon to give your character a sucker if they ask for it.
*nom* *nom* *nom*
09. Call Icon
This icon isn't selectable, but flashes if your device beeps at you. If you try to press A eight times, it won't highlight this icon. Instead, the last icon (the sucker icon) disappears. 10. 100% Compatibility Rating!
If you hear your device making a victory tune that's different from the music after pressing and holding the antenna, the music when you get a new character, the music if your tama calls on you, or the success music, congrats! Your friend has reached 100%!
Translation: “ Love ❤️ Love Zenkai!”
To say goodbye to them, select the bottle with the A on it. Then go through the entire screen. Press the antennas, and you will see a special animation and a big heart. After that, you will only see Gatchan when you press the C button. Time to start over!
I'm not sure if you get a bad ending if you reach 0%.
11. Others & About this Tamagotchi
About this Tamagotchi:
This Tamagotchi is based on the 90s Dr. Slump anime series. You can tell that Gatchan on the shell of the device doesn't have green hair and on the packaging, Arale has brown hair. It was released in 1998 by Bandai according to the copyright on the back of the shell.
- Unlike a regular Tamagotchi, you can't feed your character nor they can't die.
- Arale was hard to get for me! If you have trouble getting the character that you want, do some date skipping on your Tamagotchi by one day and go to the egg icon. Change the birthday month (month, not day) and if you see the character that you want, select them! The most common characters I keep getting are the clocks.
- You can't play with Gatchan if you're on his screen when starting the device or if finished with your character (got them up to 100%). The following options are locked:
- Bottle with an A Icon
- Sparkle Icon
- Heart Icon
- Bullhorn Icon
- Sucker Icon
- I'm not sure if I'm right here, but if you leave your character on the closeup screen or as a swirling dot for too long, then the heart and power icons decrease; again, not 100% sure.
- I guess if it's your birthday, your character will celebrate it.
- If real life is getting in the way, press the big "pause" button on the back of the device and the device will shut off. It pauses everything, but I'm not sure if it will save battery. To return, press it again. Just know that you will have to set the time/date again.
- I'm not sure if you can have more than one character.
- If you change the clock (mostly after un-pausing the device), your character's love and power meters are unaffected (won't decrease).
To access the clock, date, and year:
Press the middle B button. Press it again to go back to the main screen with your character. Press A to switch to the date, year, and back to the clock. To change the clock, date, or year press the A & C buttons at the same time.
You are given one of two options if you pressed A & C while on the clock: the top only lets you change the time, while the bottom lets you change your data (birthday, blood type, etc.).
What times does my character fall asleep/wake up?
When it's 8am, your screen will look like this:
If it's 8pm, your screen will look like this:
Characters and their combability % from lowest to highest:
Note: this site had some of the translations of the names wrong, so I corrected them.
I don't think you can get another Gatchan. Characters in bold could be I could consider rare/hard to get characters. I'm not sure if it depends on the birthday month or day because characters shuffle daily. Also, I don't know if there's a secret, mystery character in this but I've seen all the characters that you can get in this device.
Chivil - 20%-25%
Unichikun - 20%-25%
Unichikun - 20%-25%
Niko-chan - 30%-35%; 40%-45%
Kinoko - 30%-35%, 40%-45%
Suppaman - 30%-35%; 40%-45%
Time-kun - 50%-55%; 60%-65%
Alarm Clock - 50%-55%; 60%-65%
Mr. Pig - 50%-55%; 60%-65%
Pisuke - 70%-75%; 80%-85%
Caramel Man No. 1 - 70%-75%; 80%-85%
Mr. Kurigashira - 70%-75%; 80%-85%
Dr. Slump/Mr. Senbei - 90%-95%
Arale - 90%-95%
Update: 9/14: Something Interesting! Possibly rare chance?
Okay, so… there’s a chance of this happening. My character, Niko-chan left in the middle of the night despite having not reached 100%; he was on 96%.. I didn’t hear my device beep or anything, but when I pressed the bottle with the A icon, I was shown an image of a big heart and a smaller heart. I was then given 2 options: big (1st option) or chibi (2nd option). I picked chibi and 2 things (possible Gatchans?) popped up on screen and they said bye-cha. I wish I’ve gotten a photo, but if I happen to get it again, I will get photos of both options. I guess I got that screen because I did good taking care of 3 characters? I’m not sure.
12. Would I recommend?
OF course! If you are a Dr. Slump fan and a Tamagotchi fan, this is a perfect match. I love this Tamagotchi better than my previous 2 (a Pac-Man one and a regular one). It has a lot of characters, more features, and it's big! I wish it had more characters like the police officers that are afraid of Arale when she comes near them, Trampire, Polly Buckets, or Midori Senbei!
It's so strange why this one isn't on the Tamagotchi wiki. I hope all of this information helps. Please don't take this as a reliable source... I'm writing instructions of what I know about this device.
If you like these instructions, consider donating to my Ko-fi page as that helps a lot! :)