
Free Eeveelution (+shiny) Profile Pictures!

To start off 2024 strong, I've made free profile pictures of each and every Eeveelution! I also finished shiny versions of them as well. Feel free to use as long as you don't profit off of them or repost without my credit (please do credit me if using as profile pic; it helps me out a lot). I put some love and effort into drawing them; Vaporeon is my favorite I've drawn. 

I recommend using them for Instagram as it's the size I've picked but you can adjust the size for other social media (Tumblr, Twitter, etc.) in Photoshop.

I'm going back to college Wednesday so I'm gonna be busy but I hope to push out new art and maybe make future free profile pictures for ya'll if you like these Eeveelution drawings!

Donations are optional (you can also commission me) at:



Please, if resharing my works, credit me as wimbearn or by real name Arnezia. You can also ask me for permission. If my art is found uncredited, please remind me and do tell the person to credit me (contact is in "about me" page or the "contact wimbearn" page). I draw fanart, which is original and non-official and characters from existing franchises in the fanart belong to the original copyright holder. However, original art and characters belong to me.