This post will also be on my WordPress blog scheduled to post on July 22nd since I rarely use my Blogger because as mentioned in one of my posts... botted views mostly coming from Singapore. It might have more words and stuff than this post and some corrections. This post on this blog might not be updated much since I'm rarely using my Blogger.
When my WordPress post drops on Saturday, I will link it here.
Before my last and final part drops next week, I decided to do some honorable mentions on more artists that inspire me. This might be a short (or long) post since I don't have much to say on images I pick or if the artist I mention is obscure or doesn't have much character reference sheets. I will be picking favorite images I find.
So let's get into it, shall we?
Tatsuya Egawa
So... uh... I'm quite embarrassed on showing or talking about him because a lot of people know this man because of Golden Boy. I have never watched that anime but the only thing I like about him is his art in Magical Taruruto. When I first watched the series (some fansub group started subbing the series which is sadly taking very long to sub either because they are working on other projects or real life stuff), I wasn't expecting it to be in that genre. But for the art in that series, it's very cute. Taru's voice is very cute and in one episode (I believe it was 14 or 13) I was just squealing with cuteness in one scene where Taru was invited to a birthday party.
I first heard of Taruruto through a random Japanese search a while back. I saw that he had some Japanese stage show. Besides Taru, there's also some pink haired girl who looks like Taru and I'm curious on when she shows up in the anime.
But looking at the backgrounds and art in the anime, it gives me warmth and comfort. As a matter of fact, any image of Taruruto you find, it looks very colorful.
Miho Shimogasa
You might know her for Sailor Moon or PowerPuff Girls Z, but I like her designs in the Gokudo anime. When I was watching Gokudo for the first time, I was curious on who did the character designs for this anime. And when I looked Miho up, I can see that her designs in Gokudo look either Sailor Moon like or PPGZ like. The original creator of Gokudo is Usagi Nakamura while the illustrator is Takeru Kirishima, but I like Miho's designs better.
The only thing I'm focused on is her designs in Gokudo, mostly the main protagonist himself because I love his over the top facial expressions - and man do I want to rewatch this anime sometime this time English dubbed.
While finding some artwork of Gokudo that Miho has done, I found this above artwork. You will love the Gokudo anime - it's hilarious. Literally any image or frame you see in the anime (mostly with the protagonist) has either a hilarious facial expression or a cute one as I said earlier.
I was lucky to find model sheets from this website!
Yoshiyuki Sadamoto
I was thinking of FLCL for this mention and I actually didn't know Sadamoto did character designs for Evangelion - both are animated by Gainax! Pretty cool. And not just that, he also did Summer Wars! His designs in NGE is good but I think FLCL stands out to me the most. I also own a FLCL art book that I picked up at Barnes & Noble.
I'm just gonna pick my favorites I find below. It's mostly gonna be Haruko. You can find more
here or the FLCL art book I mentioned.
By the way, I know about the new FLCL seasons coming soon to Adult Swim and just saw the teaser on Tuesday; I actually didn't know there was a teaser. I was not expecting it to be 3D. -_-. Not a fan of the changes they did to my girl Haruko (mostly on the lips)... but hopefully the new series will be alright.
I love FLCL's expressions, as seen in this above image! Look at all the squiggles! ~~~~
There's so many images I love from this anime but I'm gonna let you look it up yourself.
Hiroshi Fuji
Not much is known about this man but he did the character design of Valkyrie for Namco's Valkyrie no Bōuken or the Valkyrie series. I had brought up this game in Part 1, where Ken Sugimori (Pokémon) worked on a Valkyrie manga! There is an interview which I will link
here, but I wish Valkyrie was more recognized in the west. She's one of Namco's obscure characters. And I like obscure characters and stuff.

Tsukasa Hojo
This is the last artist/author that's on my list.
I enjoyed the first season of the City Hunter anime and I am currently watching the second season and have plans to watch Cat's Eye. But I like this man's art in City Hunter but only when characters show expression. I also like the City Hunter manga cover art as well; I just like light colors and watercolors. I don't draw realism much... I'm more on the cartoony anime side. I won't be commenting much, but I will be picking my favorites.
Note: Although he did character designs for CH, I'm pretty sure these are different animators or people working on the anime - the anime has a bit of a mix between realism and cartoony at times; I'm not sure.
Well, that's about it! Stay tuned for the final part next week! Some of you - if you follow me on social media had already guessed who my final favorite artist is that inspires my own art style!
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