Tera Raids are the worst.
Last night, at 12am today, I FINALLY caught Walking Wake with my Lv. 100 Gardevoir after so much frustration and attempts. And I did it solo because I don’t have Nintendo Switch Online. I was lucky to have an NPC with an Arboliva who has the Seed Sower ability and not get burned from flamethrower. I used Clear Mind when I needed it and then spammed Thunderbolt. When I terastallized into Psychic, I used Psybeam but it barely did damage. I used Clear Mind again and kept using Thunderbolt until his shield was down and finished it with Thunderbolt. Before the fight, I used one more PP Up on Thunderbolt and maxed out Gardevoir's stats with Hyper Training.
Yesterday, it was Pokémon Day and I was excited. When they announced the Walking Wake raid (which is exclusive to my version, Scarlet), I wanted to do it.
So, I updated my game and visited the event den. When I started, I knew that things would go downhill. WW kept spamming Hydro Steam, which annoyed me. And then flamethrower. And Noble Roar, which lowered my attack. I did research and put the clear amulet on my Gardevoir, which did help. I had to replace Moonblast with Clear Mind which raises my Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense. But everytime I tried, he would just knock me out (and the NPC’s Pokémon) which cut time fast. And then the shields. Oh boy, the shields. Worst part was that I almost had him but time ran out.
I had vented my frustration on my main Tumblr blog and I announced that I am taking a break from the game, social media, fandoms that I love and fanart. Which I am still doing. I’m taking a break from fanart because when I see talented artists online, it makes me sad and depressed. I try to push my commissions out there but still nothing. I have done 7 total. I almost teared up yesterday from reading comments on other people appreciating the person’s art that I put up my phone. I was planning on drawing Walking Wake, but there have been so many artists that already drew him and the nightmarish tera raid fight that I can’t do it. And for Twitter, it’s hard for me to share my art to others because I’m a small artist and all the site cares about is drama. I realized that for those who don't have a Tumblr account, you now need to sign up just to read the full post (luckily I put a TDLR at the top).
After that Walking Wake fight, I am never doing Tera Raids ever again. Not even the 6-stars and 7-star ones. The animation, the bugs (which I hoped for GF to patch and fix but still didn’t), the timer, the burning/poison animation wasting time, the tera animation wasting time, everything about Tera Raids made me step away from it (and maybe future PKMN games if they keep doing it). I swear, if they announce a mythical Pokémon (or one for Scarlet/Violet) having a Tera Raid, I’m not doing it. But I don’t think it’s possible because mythical Pokémon always come in distribution codes.
While I was fighting WW (I used a different Pokémon), I saw this bug…
Seriously, I thought this update would fix these Tera Raid bugs but nope. It ruins the fun. Although I hate to say it, the Max Raid Battles from SW/SH are better than this, but the only disadvantages is that the NPCs aren’t great and sometimes, a Pokémon will escape out of a Pokeball even worse if it’s an event that has higher stars.
The reason why I rarely play video games is because I tend to feel anger. I feel like those angry streamers online (which I now stay away from and I also stay away from popular YouTubers online and animation reviews because YT is just about clickbait and drama). And my Dad kept bringing up my anger today because yesterday he heard me shouting at the Walking Wake raid. I wish I could forget about it. It annoys me that I never want to touch my Switch ever again unless I want to play Animal Crossing. I almost ruined my Dragon Quest Slime controller because of it; a controller that I’ve always wanted and I got as a Christmas gift back in 2018/2019.
I’m also keeping away from the fandoms I love because every time something new gets announced (especially like with the Pokémon Presents thing yesterday), I try to quickly talk about my hype on Twitter or Tumblr. And I post gifs on Tumblr for everyone to see… but I’m trying to control it. I can’t get into hype anymore. Sure it pumps up my adrenaline but I’m staying away from it because I know it’s not a race just for likes (or reblogs on Tumblr). I was planning on making a YouTube video this week talking about why I rarely play video games, but I’m saving that for later.
I just don’t have time to continue on with Pokémon Scarlet… I don’t have the motivation to continue with fanart… maybe voice acting (I could do that if I have time and motivation). I rather focus on college, my life, my original art and characters that I’ve always wanted to share but can’t because I need them protected by copyright.
I need a break for now. I need to be alone. I won't be answering DMs, as I have turned off banner/sound notifications on Instagram and Twitter on my phone and I won't be answering Tumblr or DeviantArt DMs.