
REALITY -Avatar Live Streaming- App Review


What is REALITY? REALITY is a streaming app where you have your own V-Tuber model and you can have other people join your stream. It's really cool app. However, I have been using the app since March and a friend suggested this app to me last year, I think. However, I feel like I am just done with the app. The app has a lot of problems, but I will explain those later. For now, let's get onto my review on this app. I haven't really seen a true review of this app except some videos on YouTube.

The Good Side of this App.

REALITY, like I said earlier, is a cool app if you want to get into live streaming with a V-Tuber model. It's free on both Apple and Android devices. When you join, you make an account and customize your avatar. My avatar wears a pink outfit with pink bat wings. Some outfits require gatcha to be unlocked. which I will cover later. 

When you start a stream, you can open a collab where other people can join. "Random collab" means that anyone can join when they see your stream or if they pick "random" in the collab section, I think. I barely use the app, so I don't know much or forgot some stuff. I highly suggest you turn off the RC option because when people join, some are loud and annoying and can blow your eardrums if you're using headphones, plus you can't turn off the volume during a collab. You can kick them out, but it's most likely they'll join again, so your other option is to simply block them. When you turn off this option, you will have to accept some people joining your collab or you can password/pin protect the collab.

When you stream daily, you earn a Daily Badge. You can also participate in events for badges and stuff... if you qualify. Which isn't great if you're new. I don't do them. When you stream, people can come in and chat. You can watch YouTube (sadly any video with copyrighted music won't play which is why it says "Video Unavailable"), play games, wave at your friends so that they can come in and join, and more. 
(this is my avatar. Every now and then, the app will have some event thingy while you stream.)

This app is from Japan, so some of the games are in Japanese. If you understand Japanese well, then you can figure out how the games work. If not, well, good luck. Out of all the games, I play 2048 and draw using a stylus.

When joining other streams, you can like their broadcast, and send gifts when you get points.

REALITY is good with making friends and plugging/promoting your social medias if you have a lot of followers, and more stuff. Now, I have a lot of bad things to say about this app.

The Bad Side of this App.

While this is a good app to make friends and to have a V-Tuber of your own, I want to break down a lot of negatives.

1. Lots of minors.

Yes, as expected, there are minors on this app. Some I met are fine but others are just pure annoying or just wanting views. The app is rated 17+, however underage people have been bypassing this by faking the year they were born, according to a review on the App Store by Flame1213-760-1314. I heard from my friend that if you are below this age, you are banned. I have seen underage people bypass this on social media too. This has to be on the top of my list of negatives about this app.

And besides the minors, beware of pedos on the app. Although I haven't seen one, someone on the REALITY reddit was complaining about one.

2. Likes, Views, Daily Badge... what even is the point?

This is also my second negative. When you visit someone's stream, you can like their stream and I've seen people spam likes on my stream. But what even is the point of having likes? They serve no purpose at all. The view count doesn't go down when someone leaves the stream, so when they re enter, the count goes up. Now, the Daily Badge. If you miss a day, it's gone. This is my complaint on the badge. I've been streaming for 60 something days and all of a sudden... it was gone. I was upset. I was mad. So... do I have to wait 24 hours to get my streak for the badge? I always stream at 2:03 p.m. or later because of this, but come on. I think an update or maintenance ruined it. But I don't really see the point in getting the badge. When I joined, they never told me I hit my streak, but because of the darn update to it, they hit me with rockets and balloons.... get that mess out of my face. Sorry for the long vent there. I've just been mute streaming on the app now after that happened and ignoring chat.

3. People block you or unfollow for no reason.

I had this happen to me a lot. I wanted to join a random collab, but I've been kicked or blocked for no reason. I didn't get to speak at all. I didn't do anything wrong. I used to have a friend on the app, but I've been having a hard time saying her name and she got mad at me that she left me. I felt like she blocked me. Like are you kidding me... you get mad because I've been pronouncing your name wrong?

4. Avoid Random Collabs. Or this will happen.

Like I said earlier, always turn off this option. Because if you don't there's a high chance you will get someone annoying, loud, or weird. I blocked a lot of people because of this.

One time, some man was talking about human flesh in my stream that I was weirded out. Blocked him afterwards.

5. The steam titles and other's streams as well.

While I am fine with some, I have problems with other's streams and their titles. A lot of the streams are NSFW/18+ only. I avoid these. 

I also seen some stream titles such as:
  • Sleep stream
  • Rating your avatar
  • Lonely - please come join
  • Can we get "X" number of likes on this stream?
  • And more.

6. Gatcha - avoid it.

Boy oh boy, when you see the word "Gatcha", gambling comes into mind. I avoid apps that have a pay to play system or something similar. 

According to Jade_Lacy on a review of the app here's what they had to say:

"Another huge problem I have with the app is how dang expensive the coins and gatcha are. For $100 you get only 24 gatcha pulls. 24?! And you’re not even guaranteed to get anything you like, it’s like a gambling thing. Each pull costs 500 coins usually which is ridiculous in itself. You can get free pulls either if you earn live points through streaming and convert them into coins or if people donate you gatcha tickets but both rarely happen if you aren’t already a big streamer, and many people don’t even join your stream if you don’t have any gatcha. I get that the app wants to make money, but I would personally be more likely to purchase the coins if it wasn’t such a ripoff."

I highlighted some info that I found interesting. But just don't spend your money on this app. Spend that $100 on something important such as groceries.

7. People rarely visit your stream.

Even if you aren't a big streamer, less people will visit your stream. And as the review by Jade said is that people may not join if you don't have any gatcha. Like, do I have to look nice to attract people? :/. Another reason why is because of the algorithm. You might or might not make it to the trending tab or get noticed in the "newbies" section. 

8. The app can drain your battery and overheat your phone.

I have nothing much to say, but boy, this app likes to eat your battery. I wouldn't recommend streaming for so long. Maybe keep your battery at 100 before you go on the app.

9. Your avatar lacks expression.

Sure, the avatar is cute and all, but it just lacks expression. It only smiles and the eyelids and brows raise up and down, but it lacks a lot. Look at the Apple Animoji - it has more expressions! 
Or any other V-tuber model:
(this doesn't count, but it would be cool if we had an animal like V-Tuber)

This, on the other hand,  is lacking certain expressions such as frowning, angry, etc. You just have a dead, souless face and it feels off. Sometimes, when you don't have a bright light, the camera has a hard time tracking and it can take hours for the model to recognize your face.

10. Bots.

When I joined the app, I was immediately put into a group chat with thousands of other users. This, was a NSFW bot. Luckily, there is an option to turn this off so random people you don't know can add you in a chat. However, when you stream, there will be some bots who enter, like, or send you a gift. But they don't even chat. 

*sigh* those darn robots.


If you're an anime fan who wants a V-Tuber of their own, or just simply wants to make friends, then this is the app for you. But it's not for me anymore and I regret downloading it. 

I will be staying on the app, until my birthday in August - my username is just wimbearn if you want to follow me, however, I won't be chatting anymore. I will leave a lot of good friends behind, but it was nice meeting them. I am just done with the app. I do keep track of who I follow and who I block but I hate it when they change their username every time. 

I want to add on, I had met a boy on the app and he wanted me to be my boyfriend, but I just felt annoyed later on as every time I join or enter someone's stream, he would follow me and be annoying. Thank God I blocked him. I don't want a boyfriend. I rather stay single because every time I have one, it ends up badly or they simply break up, even if we were doing good.

 I'm tired of streaming daily for a useless badge - and that badge was gone on my 60th something day thanks to an update or something. 

I rather have some real friends on Facebook and some friends in real life who truly cares about me. In my previous post, I said that I have been stepping away from social media for a while because of the way I was feeling. I do plan to return someday, returning to posting art and stuff. I also want to focus on college and my life as that is important to me.

Overall, my score:


If you have met me on the app and read this post, please say hi. Also, when leaving a comment, don't leave any negative comments as it will be deleted. This is all my opinion and thoughts from using the app since March.

Also, off topic, I have updated this blog a bit. The background color for the header and body have been changed. The body's background color has been made a bit darker so it can be easy to read. I also turned off "popular posts", and I may enable them again sometime, but for now, I am disabling it. The disclaimer has been moved to the bottom now.

All of my own drawings done on the app:

And one fanart drawing for me of my avatar:



Please, if resharing my works, credit me as wimbearn or by real name Arnezia. You can also ask me for permission. If my art is found uncredited, please remind me and do tell the person to credit me (contact is in "about me" page or the "contact wimbearn" page). I draw fanart, which is original and non-official and characters from existing franchises in the fanart belong to the original copyright holder. However, original art and characters belong to me.