
Off Topic (on a not Tuesday): Happy Friday, sailers + Legends Arceus getting leaked *rant*


I want to try to keep updating this blog and be active on social media more but college is getting in the way. This will be kind of an off topic post. I try to do off topic stuff on Tuesdays only, but this is where I break that rule here.

Last night, I did a math test before it was due on Friday (today) at 11:59pm. The first time I tried it, I didn't realize it was timing me so on my 10th question, I ran out of time and freaked out. I stuck on question #9. However, the test had unlimited attempts so I tried it a second time (sadly starting over), almost rushing a bit cause I was worried I would lose time again. I was stressing out like:

But I finished all 35 questions and did decent on it (like an 80 or 90 something). Man, I cannot deal with something that times me (unless the timer counts forward), as I feel like I get pressured and stressed. It depends on what it is though. If it's something, for example, like the game Perfection, yeah, I get stressed. If it's timed backwards in a video game I might rage if I fail. Sorry if what I'm saying doesn't make a bit sense, as my paraphrasing is a bit bad.

Also, I heard on Wednesday that Pokémon: Legends Arceus got leaked and spoilers are already out on the internet. And it made me mad. This is gonna be a rant on why I hate people leaking games (especially Pokémon) before it's release date. If you don't want to read, that's fine.

I haven't been checking my Twitter timeline since last year and I stopped doing it because of drama. And spoilers too. I remember getting spoiled for the Stephen Hillenburg memory thing at the end of SpongeBob: Sponge on the Run before we got the movie in the US (the movie wasn't that good). And clips of it were everywhere. But I know people on Twitter like to leak and show spoilers for games. Instagram, maybe. Reddit, oh yeah. Spoilers everywhere. I nearly gotten spoiled for Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl last year before the games released. And although not related to video games, I'm trying to avoid spoilers for the Pokémon Arceus special with 2 episodes that came out on Amazon Prime Video (sadly JP only, since the US is way behind with the episodes). No English subs yet... *sigh*

I'm guessing they like to leak so that they can 💩 on the game. Remember Sword and Shield? *shudders*

"tHAt TrEE lOoKs LiKe An N64 GaMe" (they compared a tree in the wild area to N64 graphics... wth)
"GaMe FrEaK iS lAzY" (resused models from 3ds games; reused animations; lazy animations)
"ThIs BoOtLeG mObiLe GaMe HaS bEtTeR aNiMaTiOnS" (compared a China bootleg mobile game with stolen animations from Pokken to SWSH's animations)
"DiD yA sEe ThAt MoUsE cUrSoR???" (no, seriously, in game there are mouse cursors that weren't removed).

I know people on Twitter are complaining on Arecus already and probably STILL comparing it to Zelda's BOTW. Yeesh, I can't stand Twitter (I was planning on deactivating but I don't want to). Just chill out. It's Pokémon. I wish the Pokémon fanbase would just be friendly and nice (pretty sure they were before, chill when the franchise started).

I'm sorry if this is long. I don't like to rant and I don't want to bring more negativity. And here comes some people in the comments bringing all of the negativity to this blog... AAAAA-

Okay, but that might not happen. I just started this blog on the 19th, and no one has noticed it yet. Anyways, that's all I got to say. I have scheduled about 4 off topic Tuesdays, with next week being Dragon Quest related!

See ya. And in the meantime, enjoy this gif of Jessie and James doing the next episode preview (instead of Ash and Goh) that I posted on my main Tumblr at 2am after I watched the recent Pocket Monsters episode (man, being Pacific Time sux).



Please, if resharing my works, credit me as wimbearn or by real name Arnezia. You can also ask me for permission. If my art is found uncredited, please remind me and do tell the person to credit me (contact is in "about me" page or the "contact wimbearn" page). I draw fanart, which is original and non-official and characters from existing franchises in the fanart belong to the original copyright holder. However, original art and characters belong to me.