
Mandala Self-Portrait Design!

 This week, I did a Mandala Self-Portrait design for my art class. I want to tell you the process and the final, although I already shared it on my socials.

I made a list of stuff I like and was experimenting with diffrent shapes to add to the design. Here's what I said on the list:

  • Seafood - Crabs and shrimp
  • Listening to music - music notes below cat and cat wearing headphones
  • Stuffed animals
  • Japan
  • Cats
  • Video games
I didn't want to add drawing to the list, cause I told my professor that before. The shapes are:

  • Teardrop - represents me being a shy person
  • Waves on the outside represent me being a a very relaxed person
  • Stars represents me being a special person and to represent that I am a nice person to everyone.
I then did my draft on a large piece of drawing paper. Well, I came up with a design in Procreate first before I drew it out.

Here's the draft:

I submitted it to my professor and she gave me some feedback. Here's the adjusted design:

I then inked my design:

After sharing to my professor for the final time and getting feedback, I then finalized my design. I messed up in some areas and for the outside, I didn't want to fill out the entire outside black, cause I didn't want to waste ink, so I just made big lines and added small ink lines inside. After taking the photo in bright light, I adjusted it using an app called Snapseed (which our professor suggested using).

And here's the final:

I hope you like it! The next art project will be a letter design or something like that. Thanks for reading, have a nice day.



Please, if resharing my works, credit me as wimbearn or by real name Arnezia. You can also ask me for permission. If my art is found uncredited, please remind me and do tell the person to credit me (contact is in "about me" page or the "contact wimbearn" page). I draw fanart, which is original and non-official and characters from existing franchises in the fanart belong to the original copyright holder. However, original art and characters belong to me.