Mandala Self-Portrait Design!
This week, I did a Mandala Self-Portrait design for my art class. I want to tell you the process and the final, although I already shared it on my socials.
I made a list of stuff I like and was experimenting with diffrent shapes to add to the design. Here's what I said on the list:
- Seafood - Crabs and shrimp
- Listening to music - music notes below cat and cat wearing headphones
- Stuffed animals
- Japan
- Cats
- Video games
- Teardrop - represents me being a shy person
- Waves on the outside represent me being a a very relaxed person
- Stars represents me being a special person and to represent that I am a nice person to everyone.
Here's the draft:
I submitted it to my professor and she gave me some feedback. Here's the adjusted design:After sharing to my professor for the final time and getting feedback, I then finalized my design. I messed up in some areas and for the outside, I didn't want to fill out the entire outside black, cause I didn't want to waste ink, so I just made big lines and added small ink lines inside. After taking the photo in bright light, I adjusted it using an app called Snapseed (which our professor suggested using).
And here's the final:
I hope you like it! The next art project will be a letter design or something like that. Thanks for reading, have a nice day.
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