
Magical Taruruuto-kun Plush Collection!

 Last updated: 8/19/2024

Plush Collection!

I don't remember when I got into this series; I think somewhere around February 2023. The first time I heard about it was in a random Shonen Jump game for the Famicom. When I saw that the series had gotten fansubbed, I got curious and checked it out. And immediately after a couple of episodes, I fell in love. I fell in love so much that I bought plushies of the characters. I do recommend the anime, but do note that it may contain some naughty stuff, but it isn't that bad, I guess? I hope it gets a western release. The series is created by Tatsuya Egawa, who also did Golden Boy. It's sad that there's no plush of Raivar (or Rival as the fansubs call him).

All of these plushies are super rare and hard to find on eBay, but you might use a Japanese proxy service like Japan Rabbit to get them.

Taruruuto Plush (Bandai; Year Unknown; possibly 1990 or 91?)

Based on the looks of this plush, this might've been made when the series was airing at the time and could be one of the first Taruruuto plushies. He looks so goofy and I love him. Originally, I wasn't gonna get him because of his condition (yellowed plastic eyes), but changed my mind. I am not sure what year this plush came out since he has no tag. Even if I try reverse image searching, I don't get any good results.

Here are the eBay listing images for archiving purposes:

Update: This plush I thought it was made by Banpresto, but nope! It's a Bandai Little Kid Plush according to this listing:

Update (8/19): Got him in the mail!

かわいさあまって/Kawaisa Amatte (I love how cute it is) Taruruuto, Mimora, and Niruru (1990)

Taruruuto and Mimora, I found together in sealed bags on eBay and bought them as a late birthday gift.

Not my image, but this was the image shown in the eBay listing (now deleted). Archiving it, though!

These guys are super cute and big too! Their head and hat are hard though, but they stand so well. As for Niruru, the little "rabbit" thing that's Taruruuto's friend? I randomly discovered it through a Japanese Google search to see if there were any Taruruuto plushies I missed. And luckily, I found it in stock on Mandarake via reverse image search. I didn't know what to do and how to buy it until I ran across Japan Rabbit. Guess how much money I spent on this plush? $40. Yeah, shipping was expensive because I wanted it to arrive fast and safely, but it was worth it! And the cute thing is, he squeaks and has the tag. Although he doesn't look like the show (missing the big pink paws on its feet) and is small, it's still cute and goes well with Taru and Mimora-chan!

Archiving this Mandarake listing image:

Niruru's tag:

Taruruuto and Mimora's Tags (both aren't my image!):

I also saw open eyed versions of these plushies (Taru and Mimora only, which are very hard to find), but I prefer the closed eyes ones.

Update 2/22/24: I found ads of the plushies (see left side)! [Source 1] [Source 2]

Taruruuto 14" Plush (Year Unknown; possibly 2015?)

By far, this is the best plush out of the four. It has more details than the others and I think they're replicating his manga look than his look in the anime, I'm not sure. His eyes and mouth are embordered and he's huggable! Although, the downside of this plush is that he had a weird smell (kinda like hair grease but not hair grease?) and I don't know where it's coming from. I don't want to ruin a cute plush though! He sits on my desk sometimes and when new fansub episodes of Taruruuto come out, I watch the episodes with this plush on my lap. If I ever cosplay as Honmaru (one of the main characters from the series) in the future, I would love to bring this plush at a con with me... if anyone even knows about the series, lol.

The eBay listing image for archiving purposes:

I hope you like the collection! Do check out Taruruuto-kun if you can! And also, check out the Genesis game (which recently got an EN translation), it's fun and developed by Game Freak (Pokémon guys!). To be honest, they should've made a talking Taruruuto plush because his voice actress Tarako when she does the voice in the anime is super adorable.

Update (5/1) (B2 Poster; BONUS!):

This B2 poster came in the mail and I want to show it off as a bonus! Took forever as I ordered it at the beginning of April.

I think it will go along with my plush collection very well. It almost has all of the characters and I love the colors on it. Too bad it costed me $200. I will be getting it framed.

Here's the poster in full from the seller:


Please, if resharing my works, credit me as wimbearn or by real name Arnezia. You can also ask me for permission. If my art is found uncredited, please remind me and do tell the person to credit me (contact is in "about me" page or the "contact wimbearn" page). I draw fanart, which is original and non-official and characters from existing franchises in the fanart belong to the original copyright holder. However, original art and characters belong to me.